1. Diane Shepherd says:

    I can sing as high as what was described as “High F”. Is High F the same as F6? I know High C is C6 and singing to that is very comfortable for me, but F6 for me is very reachable. I have been told I am coloratura. I thought I was soprano per se. Thank you.

  2. Oli Braithwaite says:

    Hi Diane. Yes high F is the same as F6. The truth is vocal ranges don’t actually tend to sit perfectly in the voice types that are used to classify singers. It may be you are mostly like one voice type but are also able to reach higher, if that’s the case then that’s a bonus!

  3. Thad Heisler says:

    I’m a bass voice and can hit a C4 I’m 46 and a male

  4. Oli Braithwaite says:


  5. GoodVibesOnly says:

    What vocal type am I if my tessitura is g3 to f5? Am I an alto, as I thought I was, because my vocal range is actually around f3 to ab5. Thank you! (I’m probably a contralto, just checking for performances)

  6. Oli Braithwaite says:

    Yeah, contralto. All the best.

  7. Kennadee says:

    my vocal range is from a d5 to a f6 what vocal type am i?

  8. Oli Braithwaite says:

    Hi Kennadee. Hmm… well you’ve got the upper side of the Soprano range, but on the face of it are lacking the lower end. It suggests to me that there’s more exploration of your voice to go as your range should be wider than that. Good luck!

  9. Alicja says:

    is it normal if i can sing comfortably at any vocal exercises/vowels (and not only) to about D-E6 comfortably, and with pushing to F6, but at songs i have problems with singing like E5 (it sounds bad most of the times). Why’s that?

  10. Oli Braithwaite says:

    There are a number of reasons this could be and it’s hard to know without hearing you sing. But I suspect it might be down to one of the following areas: (a) transitioning from one vowel sound to another, songs will test you there in a way that exercises won’t. (b) the song lyrics are challenging you to produce a vowel sound that you’re less used to from practise. (c) the particular entry to the note is more challenging than in the practise environment (faster? Later in the breath?). Hope that helps.

  11. Katherine says:

    What should I sing if I’m female, and my range is C3 to B6?

  12. Oli Braithwaite says:

    Hi Katherine. Well, with a larger range like that you have more options! Sounds like you’re not going to be able to quite hit the high notes of traditional Soprano songs, but will have a strong ability to sing Mezzo-Soprano and then rise higher than normal for those songs. So I’d be thinking more towards Mezzo Soprano but with the view to see what you can add by hitting those higher notes too. Hope that helps!

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